Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: March 2-9, 2012
Vice Prime Minister is introduced to implementation of “Employment 2020” Program in Kyzylorda oblast
Labor Minister visits Akmola oblast
Participants of “Employment 2020” Program stopping education do not have to reimburse expenses in some cases |
Kyrgyz migrants have a chance to accumulate pension in Pension Fund of Russia
Almazbek Atambayev: Half of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan are women
Draft of Strategy of Social Integration of Migrants discussed in Bishkek
Qataris to teach Kyrgyz citizens for further employment
Department of Consular Service at MFA KR opens “hot lines”
As of March 1 nearly 4 thousand jobs available in Bishkek
Youth, Labor and Employment Ministry ready to provide vacancies or educate former casino staff at professional colleges
According unofficial data 100K foreign citizens work in Kyrgyzstan illegally – Almambet Shykmamatov
NGO: Many voters did not know that they can vote only on the base of residence registration
58 children live and work in streets in the south of KR
Nearly 2.4 thousand people attended job fair in the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan |
Tajik MPs ratify Agreement on Fight against human trafficking
Status of Chinese labor migrants in Tajikistan discussed in Dushanbe
Tajik poet awarded Golden medal of Esenin in Russia
Assistance Fund for labor migrants to be established in Tajikistan on their own account?
Tajik lawyer offers to postpone establishment of Migrant Workers Support Fund
Assistance to victims of human trafficking
Two resource centers on HIV/AIDS open in Dushanbe
Chinese language course at Migration Service of RT
Will staff of the Migration Service of RT start talking Chinese?
Tajik migrants employed in Tomsk oblast
Migrants get cheated starting in Tajikistan? |
Officials of the capital plan to ease fate of labor migrants
FMS intend to establish schools for migrants in Moscow
Migration positively affects demographic situation in Lenin oblast
Heads of utilities companies in Moscow to be fined for keeping migrants in basements and attics of houses
Schools at Orthodox church to teach Gastarbeiter Russian In Russian: .
Moscow. Round table “basement registration or where did Moscow Gastarbeiter got deported?”
Migrants’ children at Kupchino learn Russian in additional classes
Situation with illegal migrants in Moscow stabilized
Boss, hello!
Owners of “rubber houses” to be charged in Vladivostok
Construction company pays fine of 200 thousand rubles for one illegal Gastarbeiter
Tajik migrant could not bribe FMS staff
Tver court bailiffs deport 29 illegal migrants
Russia has more than 600 thousand slaves |
Experts of EDB estimate impact of ratification of CES agreements on labor migration
All-Russia research project on “Migration flows in Eurasian region” to be implemented on March 7-19, 2012
IOM: There is no ‘illegal migration’ as such, there is illegal employment of migrants
40 migrants selling fake documents detained in Moscow metro station |
Tajiks in Moscow – Gastarbeiter, drug lords and …, - ‘Sobesednik No 9’
Migration card becomes trump
Central Asian women's shattered 'Russian dreams'
R.Ustrahanov: Torture in Immigration Service of Norwegian police
T.Rakhmatullaev: Migrants need Russia as much as it needs them
Rimma Kisileva: Kyrgyzstan to have many positive points in Customs Union
Remembering Fatherland |
News of Labor Migration from Tajikistan. Review of media on CA and RF No 36 In Russian: here. |