Студенттик клубдар ишмердүүлүк жүргүзүүнүн көптөгөн түрлөрүндө катышуучулардын кызыкчылыктары менен ыкмаларын өнүктүрүү үчүн жашап келет. Клубдар студенттердин
арасында баарлашууну жана БААУ менен сыймыктанууну өнүктүрүүгө түрткү болот. Клубдун ишмердүүлүгүнө катышуу студенттин белгилүү бир багытта билими менен
тажрыйбасын курчутууга мүмкүнчүлүк берет. Ал эми активдүү катышуу потенциалдуу жумуш берүүчүлөргө студенттин окуудан тышкаркы милдеттерди аткарууга даяр экендиги тууралуу маалымат берет.
Клубдар Студенттердин окуудан тышкаркы ишмердүүлүгү боюнча кеңсе аркылуу түзүлөт жана катталат. Жаңы клубду каттоо үчүн студент арыз берүүнүн формасын Окуудан
тышкаркы ишмердүүлук боюнча кеңсенин кызматкеринен алып, аны толтуруп, электрондук версиясы менен чогуу кайра тапшыруусу керек. Клубду студент, окутуучу же
кызматкер түзө алат. Клубдар Студенттик сенаттын бюджетинен каражат ала алат.
Жаңы клуб кантип түзүлөт?
Жаңы клубду каттоодон өткөрүү үчүн Студенттердин окуудан тышкаркы ишмердүүлүгү боюнча кеңсенин кабылдамасында болуп, электрондук почта аркылуу клубду ачуу
боюнча арыздын формасын сурап кат жөнөтүү керек. Кызматкер клубдар үчүн арыздын формасын жөнөтөт. Ал формада төмөнкү суроолорго жооп берип, iminov_sh@auca.kg
электрондук дарегине жөнөтүү кажет
Клубдун аталышы
Клубдун максаты;
Клубдун ишмердүүлүгү;
Долбоорлору (эгер болсо);
Башкы координатору/жетекчиси? (Аты-жөнү, департаменти, ID, телефон номуру жана электрондук почтасынын дареги);
Аты-жөнү, департаменттери, телефон номурлары (шарт эмес) клубдун мүчөлөрүнүн электрондук почталарынын даректери (үчтөн көп болуусу керек);
Башка студенттер кантип сиздин клубдун мүчөсү боло алат же клубга мүчө болуунун талаптары кандай?
Каттоодон өткөн студенттик кубдар Студенттик сенаттын бюджетинен каражат ала алат.
The debate club is one of the biggest clubs at ɫ and one of the best debate clubs in Bishkek.
Our goals are to improve:
Contacts: Kanatbekova Kaiyrkul
Contacts: Adilet Toloshov
The primary purpose of the SEA Programming Club is to improve its member’s knowledge and skills to a level beyond what is offered in the university program. This will be achieved by interacting with and learning from more experienced students and invited mentors.
Contacts: Adilet Malikov
e-mail: malikov_a@auca.kg
Contacts: Oskoeva Zhanet
e-mail: oskoeva_z@auca.kg
Contacts: Serdar Urustemov
e-mail: urustemov_se@auca.kg
Contacts: Sanaullah Jilani
e-mail: js12264@auca.kg
The goals of the club are improving environmental consciousness of the ɫ community, raising awareness about important ecological and climatic issues, helping students and staff develop sustainable habits and skills, and popularizing the “green” agenda.
Contacts: Aida Dzhusupbekova
e-mail: dzhusupbekova_a@auca.kg
Contacts: Artur Kim
e-mail: kim_ar@auca.kg
Contacts: Shah Mohammad Alidad
e-mail: salidad_s@auca.kg
Contacts: Baimatova Nigora
e-mail: bn12455@auca.kg
Knitting Club aims to make a friendly atmosphere where studentscan learn new skills – knitting and relieving stress. Knitting is a process that allows one to relax and to step back a bit from stress.
Contacts: Anara Baisbekova
e-mail: ba12263@auca.kg
Contacts: Nabieva Valeria
e-mail: nabieva_v@auca.kg
Contacts: Adinai Mazurova
e-mail: mazurova_a@auca.kg
Contacts: Naghzibekov Naghzibek
Contacts: Bekmyrza Ashimov
e-mail: ashimov_b@auca.kg
Contacts: Aktan Imanbekov
e-mail: imanbekov_a@auca.kg
Contacts: Iusupova Aigerim
e-mail: iusupova_ai@auca.kg
Contacts: Kuya Ishida
e-mail: ik11817@auca.kg
Contacts: Aiman Torokulov
e-mail: ta13207@auca.kg
Contacts: Tursunai Ulan kyzy
e-mail: ut12970@auca.kg
Contacts: Mametova Rukiya
e-mail: mametova_r@auca.kg
Contacts: Aibiike Kubanychbekova
e-mail: ka13018@auca.kg
Contacts: Shakhzoda Mirakova
e-mail: mirakova_s@auca.kg
Contacts: Akima Anarbekova
e-mail: anarbekova_a@auca.kg
Contacts: Bael Mamataliev
e-mail: mamataliev_b@auca.kg
Contacts: Sezim Talapova
e-mail: ts12473@auca.kg
Contacts: Akmaral Yrysbaeva
e-mail: ya12479@auca.kg
Contacts: Cholpon Toktogulova
e-mail: tc13033@auca.kg
Contacts: Mohammad Qahim Sadiqi
e-mail: sm12253@auca.kg
Since the AWAKE Club is a sociological group, our main goal is to address social issues in our society by drawing parallels with key sociological concepts and perspectives. Our club aims to inform and engage both club members and ɫ students in discussions on pressing social issues such as gender inequality, educational gaps in the Kyrgyz system, cultural diversity, and migration, all within the framework of well-known sociological theories.
Contacts: Aidana Umetalieva, Bek-Aiym Talantbek kyzy,
e-mail: umetalieva_aid@auca.kg, talantbek_b@auca.kg
Contacts: Khadija Yousufzai
e-mail: yousufzai_k@auca.kg
Build robots and learn new stuff about programming and manufacturing. Practical hand-on experience of manufacturing simple robots accompanied with learning basics of mechanics, mechatronics, electrics, and robotics.
Contacts: Azim Ryskulov
e-mail: ra12372@auca.kg
Upcycle and Create: Turn worn, outdated clothing into chic new designs to encourage eco-friendly fashion, cut down on waste, and experience a sense of accomplishment and creativity.
Hands-on Learning: Participate in practical projects that promote creativity and resourcefulness, allowing you to learn new fashion skills and enjoy a mindful break from academic pressures.
Community Impact: Combine fashion with social responsibility by redesigning clothing and donating it to orphans and other worthy causes, creating a sense of purpose and connection.
Contacts: Zahra Rajabi
e-mail: rajabi_za@auca.kg
Contacts: Sezim Turdumambetova
e-mail: ts12478@auca.kg
As NGA students prepare for their university journey, the goal is to enhance their chances of securing full scholarships at top universities abroad. Additionally, the plan extends beyond supporting NGA students; it aims to assist Afghan students in Afghanistan who aspire to pursue their passions and dreams..
Contacts: Hamidullah Sultani
e-mail: sh13206@auca.kg
The Philosophy Club aims to create a community where students can think critically and explore life’s big questions. We encourage open discussions on diverse philosophical traditions and connect these ideas to real-world issues like ethics and technology. Through respectful debates and collaboration, we help members improve their communication and reasoning skills, while also exploring the links between philosophy and other fields like science and art. Our goal is to inspire curiosity and deep thinking in all who join
Contacts: Ahmad Reshad
e-mail: sa13205@auca.kg
To promote social entrepreneurship skills among students.
To support and inspire students to create projects that solve social problems.
To provide a platform for sharing ideas, experiences and knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Collaborate with local and international social entrepreneurs, NGOs and startups to expand network of contacts and expertise.
Promote the ideas of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility among students and the university community.
Contacts: Eldar Aibekov
e-mail: aibekov_e@auca.kg
Contacts: Altynai Sarykova, Aizhan Kaparova
e-mail: sa12294@auca.kg, kaparova_a@auca.kg
The agenda of the AIESEC club typically includes planning upcoming events, discussing project progress, organizing workshops and training sessions, and networking opportunities. The club usually follows a yearly plan that outlines key events, projects, and goals for the club’s activities
Contacts: Bozmamadova Barfiya
e-mail: bb11003@auca.kg
Contacts: Aiden Maratova
e-mail: ma12402@auca.kg
To have fun by answering the questions from different areas of knowledge and get new knowledge / experience. Different types of quizzes and other activities about erudition and logic. Examples: “What? Where? When?”, “Jeopardy” and so on.
Contacts: Muravev Viacheslav
e-mail: muravev_v@auca.kg
Contacts: Sona Fayaz
e-mail: fayaz_s@auca.kg
Contacts: Niloufar Rafat
e-mail: newstar@auca.kg
Contacts: Tazarfbegim Shovalieva
e-mail: shovalieva_t@auca.kg
Contacts: Anushervon Nurmamadov
e-mail: nurmamadov_a@auca.kg
Contacts:Altynai Sarykova
e-mail: sa12294@auca.kg
ɫ doesn’t open students’ clubs, YOU do it!
ɫ just supports them!
If you want to open a new club in ɫ, you are very welcome to do that! We support all ideas and interests that can develop ɫ student society.